Monday, May 18, 2009

With 20 years under our belts since graduation, the class of 1989 is a class filled with great people who are much more than who we were in high school or frankly even if we graduated from Ladue Horton Watkins high school. We were connected by time together at Price, Reed, Wright, Spoede, Old Bonhomme, Conway, Central or Hilltop Elementary Schools. Or time at the Junior High. Or a year or more at the high school. A few of us stayed together the whole 13 years. But rather than just looking at the graduating from Horton Watkins, I welcome our classmates along the journey AND those friends that were just a few years older or younger than us. We rode the bus together, played on the same swing sets, had the same teachers, knew each other's brothers and sisters. I hope that people will toss aside the initial awkwardness and initiate a conversation with people they discover/rediscover here. Even if we didn't hang out, even if we were completely apathetic towards each other -- or worst yet we didn't get along, twenty years has brought us a long way.

This networking is more than who you square danced with in 3rd grade, who you roomed with on the 8th grade trip to Chicago. More than where we sat during free hours, what clubs we joined, how many times our team beat Clayton, who you stood next to at the homecoming bonfire, which AP tests we took, whose parties we were (or weren't) invited to, our SAT scores, or when we last stepped foot on campus... More than who we went to dances with (or wanted to go with), which class we aced/passed/eeked through... And frankly, this isn't just about where we eventually went to college or who can boast the coolest titles or the most initials after their name now. More than how successful our spouses are, how cute or brilliant our kids are... Each of us left the graduation ceremony being challenged to think about our Great Expectations. What we would like to become and do. We're all 20 years out of high school and my bet is that most of us would be better friends now because we have so much more life experience and some new perspectives to offer.

My hope is to help facilitate the meeting of tighter network that are linked simply because we shared a common space and time in Ladue schools The school district and its individual schools left its fingerprints on each of our lives. Some more obvious. Some more subtle.

Things definitely weren't perfect then, so getting together to talk about what's happening now seems to make more sense than just trying to relive the "good ol' days."

So we hope you'll come. meet the persons we've all turned out to be.

Be sure to click on "Older Posts" at the bottom of the page:
Staff names (High school then Junior High) Letter from Dr. Raisch
A Year in Review 1989
Panorama College List for our class
Nostalgia: School songs & more... 8th Grade Superlatives. HA.

Thursday, May 14, 2009




Conway Elementary: Someone plan something...let us know
Hilltop Elementary: Friday June 12 5:30 PM Check out the old neighborhood...
Old Bonhomme:
Someone plan something...let us know
Reed Elementary: TBA
Spoede Elementary: Friday June 12 10 AM Tour & photo
Wright Elementary: Saturday June 13 12 Noon Kickball game & photo

Did you know that 1998 David Bianco (now Benkof) won the full $5000 of Ben Stein's money with a score of 8 to 5??

Hey Reed students...remember Sarah Clarke?
Hint: She's in the middle row with the yellow sweater.

Ever watch "24"? Yep - that's our classmate as Nina Myers.
Too bad the terrorist was killed off in season #3.

She's also made guest appearances on House and other shows including Twilight and Trust Me.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

High School Staff 1985-1989

Greeting from Dr. Bill Raisch:
I want to extend congratulations and best wishes to the Ladue Class of 1989 on their 20th Reunion! Where does the time go???!!! Jan and I are happily retired in Hilton Head, S.C. We moved here in 2000 after I retired in 1999. Jan's folks (now deceased) had lived in Hilton Head since 1968 so we were well acquainted with the area, having visited them often during the summer months. We are in good health and busy with a variety of volunteer activities in addition to hosting family and friends and doing some travel. While Jan is busy with church activities, book groups, etc., I have been active with the Boys & Girls Club and an annual ethics symposium for college students. The opportunity to continue to work with youth is fulfilling for me.

Jan and I are the proud grandparents of 6 grandkids...and thoroughly enjoy watching them grow and develop! The only problem is that they are so far away! Both Jan and I have such memories of Ladue. What a joy it was to work with such fine students, staff and parents! I hope you all have fun at the Reunion..and we wish you the very best for success in life! Also...we hope Class members will give us a call when in Hilton Head and come by for a visit!
Regards to all...and Go Rams!

Principal Dr. William Raisch

John Anderson
Harriet Arkin Computer Lab
Bob Bailey
Dr Robert Bannister Asst Principal
Vic Bassman Art
Mary Ann Beall
Irmgard Becker College & Career
Kay Beekman English
Judy Belt Science
Joan Benson French
Cathy Boulanger World Languages
Linda Box English
Nancy Brasier Nurse
Mike Bromlich Football
Gene Brown PE
Richard Brown Business Mgr
Jody Bruns English
Joseph Burns Business
Phil Brusca - PE
Terry Cannon English
Sarah Canavan
Carol Carinci World Languages
Loretta Casey French
Lynn Champman Science
Helen Christopherson Library
Cheryl Ciuffa Attendance Office
Florence Cohn Office
Carol Cole PE
Jeannie Courchene Math
Del Dace Director of Arts
Mary Anne D'Adamo French
Sally Dupere Counselor
Dr Richard Eaton Counselor
Thelma Edelstein Social Studies
Ralph Engelmeyer PE
Bob Frieberg Math
Charles Fitzgerald PE
Jean Forest Office
Dr H J Freeman Counselor
Rex Freter Business Dept
Gene Gaffney Parking Lot Attendant
Ellie Gammon Office
Gerald Ganz English
Mike Geary Science
Jo Griesedieck Music
Catherine Hanewinkel Home Ec
Ed Hansell Social Studies
Jim Harpell Science
Judy Hargis
Brad Heger English
Tim Herbert
Yo! Bill Hyde English
Dave Hucker Industrial Arts
Jerry Huels Math
Dr Mary Lee James English
Roy Johnson
Ann Jones Business Dept
Tony Kardis Science
Hank Kauffman
Donald Kettelkamp Asst Principal
Randy Keys Math
Sandie Kirkbride Computer Lab
Rochelle Koenig
Michael Kohring Spanish
Jeff Kopolow Social Studies
Preston Koprica
Krastyu Krasteff Social Studies
Sandy Kuhn Office
Judy Lang Library
Bob Lange
Jerry Maher PE
Rita Mahon Print Shop
Cindi Manceri Resource room
Ann Mandelstamm English
Beth Manis College & Career
Bonnie Manis Book Lady
Gerald Manker Special Services
Joan Marks PE
Charles Marshall - Audio Visual
Dave Matter Social Studies
Bil McCoy Industrial Arts
Robert McGilligan Psychologist
Charles McKenna Superintendant
Brenda Melson College & Career
Bob Menchhoffer
Karen Mayer
Chester Miller Science
Pauline Minogue
Momo Morice Social Studies
Phil Murray Art
Wayne Nienhaus
Sarah Nies Office
Pat Noland English
Bob Norris PE
Gale O'Brien
Doris Ogier Home Ec
Len Patton Counselor
Ruth Peterson Library
Rami Pinsberg World Languages
Jane Pounds Library
Rob Probst PE
Ann Raley - Drama
Mike Ramming PE
Bob Rezek
Larry Rhoads Math
Sue Rosenthal Science
Carol Russell English
Pat Sanders English
Ed Schmidt Math
Elizabeth Schwartz
John Shaughnessy Assoc Super
Newton Siegel Asst Principal
James Sinner College & Career
JoAnne Smiley Chorus
Betty Smith Office
Gwen Stanton Nurse
Deborah Stein English
Carol Steinmeyer Office
Marjorie Stelmach English
Connie Strobach PE
Al Strickland Parking Lot Attendant
Jill Svejkowsky Home Ec
Beth Swann English
Edith Tashma Nolting Social Studies
Barb Vanta Resource Room
Ed Velten PE
Jim Waechter Band
Jerry Watson English - Yearbook
Judy Wiegard Office
Willa Williams Library
Caroline Wulfert Office
Jack Young Science
Mary Zanetos Testing Center
Ron Zetcher Football coach

Junior High School Staff 1983-1985

Be sure to go to the Ladue Photos site to see their pictures!

Principal: Dr Ed Greenwood
Asst Principal Mr EJ Schweiss
Ms D Aiken Special Services
Ms. Netti Armmer - Social Studies
Ms A Ault - Language Arts
Ms E Bayer - Language Arts
Ms B Bomhoff (PE) -deceased last year cancer
Ms Virginia Burmeister - Science
Ms C Cain - Science
Ms A Carver - Reading Lab
Ms L Casey - French
Mr J Cassidy - Art
Ms E Coulson - Language Arts
Ms K Crecelius - Language Arts
Ms I Cushman - Language Arts
Ms J DuMont - Language Arts (Blue Team)
Ms. Sally DuPere - Counselor
Mr R Engelmeyer - PE
Ms M Fleming - Reading Lab
Ms M Frederick - Special Services
Mr M Fridley - Science
Mr L Galloway - Social Studies (Blue Team) Still teaching
Mr G Ganz - Latin
Ms P Gilmore - Special Services
Ms N Greenman - Health
Mr Ed Hansell - Social Studies
Mr K Hartwig - Apogee, Science
Mr K Headrick - Science
Dr M James - Special Services
Mr Randy Keys - Math
Mr A Laudel - Math
Ms E Levitch - Nurse
Ms Barbara Lehr - PE
Ms Nancy Lyon - Social Studies
Ms K Meyer - Computer Lab
Ms B Moore - Typing
Ms J Musbach - Social Studies
Mr G O'Brien - PE
Ms K O'Hara - Math Blue Team (spending time between CA and MO)
Mr M Opitz - Science Blue Team
Mr Lois Percival - Stringed Instruments
Mr T Poshak - Instrumental Music
Mr E Quint - Social Studies
Mr J Rabe - Language Arts
Ms R Saputo - Speech
Mr Ed Schmidt - Math
Ms M Shafer - Computer Ed
Mr J Sheahan - Industrial Arts
Mr Jo Ann Smiley - Vocal Music
Mr V Stubblefield - Counselor
Ms D Supper - Math
Ms M Tischler - Math
Ms M Uhlmeyer - Spanish
Ms N Vanderline - Special Services
Ms Peggy Wann - Librarian
Mr J Wieldt - Math
Ms J White - Home Ex
Ms S Zornes - Special services

"Perspective" Ms Bayer
Yearbook Mr. Opitz
Shibboleths - creative writing Ms DuMont & Ms. Ault
Student Council: Ms Ault , Ms James, Ms Musbach & Mr Laudel
Spirit Week / Penny for your heart /Canned Food Drive, Magazine Sale
String Orchestra: Mrs. Percival
Concert Band: Mr Poshak
Chorus: Ms Smiley
Audio Visual: Mr Laudel
Snack Bar: Mr Stubblefield
Dungeons & Dragons: Ms Lyon
Apogee: Ms Hartwig
Drama: Ms Saputo
Models & Diorams: Mr Cassidy

The Year in Review - 1989

Football Won:6 Lost 4 Record set: Most yards in 10 game season Shawn Whitley 1139 yd
Anthony Ballenger full scholarship Central MO
Terrell Lewis full scholarship SW Missouri
Gavin Wright partial scholarship Clark College
Girls Soccer: Won 11 Lost 7 Tied 1 District: Lost to overall winner Viz 7-2 in 1st round
Girls Tennis: Won 13 Lost 1 State , District and South Suburban Conference Champions
Waterpolo: Won 13, Lost 3 State Tournament 3rd place
Boys Track: Conference 2nd place
Girls Swimming: Won 11 Lost 4 State qualifiers Ashley Allison, Anne Wallace, Carrie Brightman
Anne Wallace: scholarship U Indiana Pennsylvania
Wrestling: Won 5 Lost 5 Alan Lowery: record for fastest pin (8 sec). Scholarship Western State Five qualify for state
Boys Tennis: Won 14 Lost 2 Conference 1st place, District 4th place
Golf Won 10 Lost 3 Conference 2 State Qualifier EJ Brumm
Girls Volleyball: Won 14 Lost 11 Tied 2 Conference: 3rd place
Tina Grutsch full scholarship U SC
Boys Swimming: Won 13 Lost 2 Conference 3rd place
Speed Skating: Heather Dudley full scholarship N Michigan
Boys Tennis: Joe Horwitz full scholarship SMU
Science Olympiad - qualified for nationals
National Merit Finalists
Nicole Ambose, David Bianco, Adam Craddock, Byron Kerman, Lee Nussbaum, Catherine Roestel, David Roman, Mark Sneider, Melissa Taylor

National Achievement Scholarship Program
Rodney Tatum & Larry Panchula

Dad's Club Award: Anita Rao
Faculty Service & Leadership: Todd Kirkbride
James A Wagner Scholar Athlete Award: Anita Rao
Iris Markman Fine Arts Award: Suzanne Bartlett
Bill Heyde Award: Jennifer Forrest
Post Dispatch Sports Spirit Award: Eric Rowe
Gold Certificate: Damaris Clay, Tina Grutsch, Eric Rowe
National Council on Youth Leadership Award: Stephanie Hammond
All USA Academic Team: David Bianco

Most memorable moments??
Jay Althen: "Changing in the locker room after swim practice and the sophomore cheerleaders running through the locker room."
Dawn Nickerson: "When Charlene Ross sprained her ankle falling off the toilet seat she was stangin on while she was trying to look at her pant legs in the bathroom mirror."
Robert Eliotti: "The time I belched during my performance in the one-act plays."
Missy Blives: "Playing the volcano game in the front hallway and only walking on the rocks (brown squares) and staying off the lava (yellow squares)
Eric Rowe: The night after we lost the Webster Groves football game when the team cried in the locker room."

Other Panorama Headlines:
Panorama wins 10th for Best of Show in national competition
Apple Lab to receive new user friendly Macintoshes
Teachers to retire at end of year: Edelstein, McKenna-Burke, Casey, Burmeister & Brombolich
Jazz, Marching Bands perform at Creve Couer Days Festival
Students woul benefit from extra testing center hours
Is the United States ready for a Black President?
"30 Days of Fitness" leads students, faculty to shape up
Debaters reach state finals
Blood drive a success (104 pints of blood)
Show Choir tours Chicago
NHS wines and dines new members
New technology to change curriculum
Students seek refuge in nurses' office
Generosity, hard work motivate students
Canned food drive class winners: Nolan, Courchesne & Belt
International dinner to give taste of flavor
Chess team anticipates another successful season
34 students to visit US Capital for Inauguration
Detention policy too restricted
Scholarship fund schedule talent show for mid-April
SADD to sponsor "Day of the Dead"
Editor: Make public smoking illegal
How to solve the car-keying problem
Turn on the soda machine
Footnotes takes first place in Washington DC

1989 Statistics
90% of Ladue students take the SAT. Only 11% of students from the state of Missouri take the test. Ladue's top 10% score 20 points higher on verbal and 40 points higher on math than the top 10% of students in all schools taking the test.
20/1 students to teacher ratio
12.6/1 students per professional staff member
7/1 students per computer
43 clubs and organizations
23 after-school activities

Friday, January 16, 2009

Panorama May 1989 - College Choice List

Alabama A&M: Erika Jones, Lee Ware, Maya Washington
Tuskegee: Garrick McCuller

University of Arizona: Amy Handelman, Lisa Raben, Aaron Solomon, Christine Thorwegen

Occidental College: Lisa Shackelford
Pepperdine: Matt Gagliardi
San Fransisco Art Institute: Steve Kelly
Santa Clara University: Buffy Morgan
Stanford University: David Bianco
University of CA LA: Jodi Frison
U Southern CA: April Shinnell
University of the Pacific: John Mazur, Todd Zamler
Whitter College: Cathering Berry

Air Forece Academy: Dominique Jackson
U of Colorado: Evan Cohen, Traci van Buren
Western State College: Alan Lowery

American University: Dan Gohagan, Judi Silver
George Washington U: Jennifer Knopf, Erin Rovak
Georgetown: Brian Olshansky
Howard: Tracie McKinney, Dana Reed

Eckerd College: Dough Heyer
Florida: A&M Eric Brooks
U of Miama: Nicci Ambos, Nicki Shores
U of Tampa: Dean Morgan

Clark College: Gavin Marcus Wright
Emory U: Chris Keels

Bradley: Carrie Brightman, Alex Clark, Doug Goldenberg, Greg Sicard, Robert Verby
Columbia: Justine Cryer
Gem City College: Craig Kelley, Eron McKinney
Northwestern U: Byron Kerman, Todd Kirkbride
U of IL: Piruz Huda, Elizabeth Remis

Indiana U: Justin Hyers, Adam Keyser, Allison Marblestone, Wendy Rosenblum, Julie Schwartz, Irl Scissors, Amy Sheahan, Adam Steinberg
Purdue: Louis Mendlowitz

Drake: Robert Feldhaus, Craig Greenwald
Grinnell: Laura Waxman
Iowa State: Larry Panchula

Emporia: Carlotta Taylor
Kansas City Art Institute: James Selesnick
U of KS: Julie Brown, Michael Bulger, Beth Gershenson, Jason Hyman, Robyn Kassebaum, Dawn Nickerson, Amy Summers, Paige Tullos, Rowena Viloria, Julie Walther

U of KY: Leslie Drewel

Southern U A&M: Kim Black, Terry Pierce, Daron Thomas, Lisa Williams
Dillard: Fred Matthews
Louisian State: Ann Bailey, Tania Beasley
Loyola: Gina LaGrange, Beth Woltjen
Tulane: David Brown, Damaris Clay, David Goldwasser, Jeff Hilton, Danny Klein, Eric Marglous, Kim Wolf
Xavier: Janene Thomas

Hope College: Sarah Evans
Michigan State: Amy Dubin, Laura Rice
Northern MI: Heather Dudley
U of MI: Jeff Cohen, Laura Klearman, Deborah Schneider, Alan Zimbalist
Western MI: Mark Cicero

Carleton: David Roman
Macalaster: Lorie Feldenberg

U of MS: Andy Bernstein, Andrew Medler. Jason Prange, Pat Quirk

Central MO: Anthony Ballenger, Antwuan Dixon, Adrian Doss, Debora Ford, Edwin Walker
U MO Columbia: Jon Baker, Bill Boeser, Meg Engler, Lisa Ennis, Loren Felder, Cindy Henschel, Sloan Hicks, Jeff Huddlesoton, Laura Judge, Jennifer Kelly, Ronie Koesterer, Melinda Kyaw, John Lochhead, Stan McCatty, Christine McManus, Missy Ray, Jennifer Salley, Brian Seigel, Carl Sharp, Michael Simpson, Andy Smith, Ely Tamano, Evan Tranen, Tiffany Urani
Northeast MO State: Jennifer Forrest, Kirstie Hagan, Jim Malik
Rolla: Alex Thorpe
St Louis : Pat Akers, Aaron Berkenwald, Lisa Fairbanks, Derek Fink, Regina Heath, Lucy Hecht, Tiffany Holland, Marla Lapin, Lesley Nowlin, Amber Tipton,
U MO Kansas City Med Program: Stacy Meyer, Elizabeth Mikola
Lincoln U: Monica Graves
St Louis College of Pharmacy: Creatha McDonald
St Louis CC at Forest Park: Crystal Leonard, Greg Ofili
St Louis CC at Meramec: Ronald Brooks, Aaron Mancuso, Rosalind Robinson
St Louis University: Nicki Anderson, Michelle Altimirano, Lorri Cobbins, Robert Eliotti, Aaron Kalman, Joe Lintzenich, Anne Nicholson
SE MO State: Mike Driskill, Preston Nelson, Sanra Rock, Chrystal Stewart
SW MO State: Bryon Glasper, Terrel Lewis, Susan Marshall
Sanford Brown Business College: Sherry Sexton
Southwest Baptist: Stephanie Hammond
Stephens: Kelly Lapin
Ultissma Beauty School: Erika Harris
Washington U: Alex Hill, Elizabeth Kodner, Kemba Logan, Scott WU
Webster: Giovanna Leopardi
Westminster: Greg Bryant, Judd Presley

Air Force: Chamel Johnson
Marines: Derrick Brauner, Michael Hilfrink, James Robertson, Emery Washington

Concordia: Jennifer Loesl

Dartmouth: Cathy Roestel
U of NH: Libby Rice

American Academy of Dramatic Arts: Carrie Meier
Bruch College: Shirley Boyard
Columbia: Lee Nussbaum
Hunter: Kristen Kusama
Parsons School of Designs: Amanda Wilson

Duke: Julie Joftus, Scott Thomas
NC A&T: Chanti Mason
Peace College: Amanda Green

Miami: Scott McKinnis

U of Tulsa: Adam Becker, Lisa Ross, Tony Shanley, Jennifer Zeigler

U of OR: Missy Blives

Carnegie Mellon: Suzanne Bartlett
Drexel: Harold Evans
Indiana U of Penn: Anne Wallace
Swarthmore: Michael Lin
U of Penn: Melanie Hirschfelder, Michael Mishkin

U of SC: Tina Grutsch

Baylor: Charlene Ross, Jennifer Wolfe
Southern Methodist U: Joe Horwitz
U of TX: Jennifer Rosenthal

Rhodes College: Jennifer Hamlett
U of the South: Nicki Oliver
Vanderbilt: Jay Althen, Michael Jenny

Bringham Young: Jennifer Anderson, Camille Jensen

Hampton: Wendi Allmon, Chiffon Mitchell, Rodey Tatum
Washington and Lee: Adam Craddock

U of VT: Emily Schuumburg

WV U: Michael Price

U of WI: Cary Weiss